
If you are interested in learning more about Wayne County’s Indigenous history, the history of local history, or how you can write Indigenous history, see the sources below. Ebooks are linked where possible, although you can also check your local library for these titles. Sources are from resources in footnotes unless otherwise noted. Throughout the exhibit, other digital references are directly hyperlinked.

If you have a question or clarification about any of the sources used, please contact me.

Local Historical Works

Local historical works that are analyzed in this exhibit:

New England, the birthplace of American local history:

Ohio and Wayne County (oldest to newest):

History of Local History and Phrenology:

Sources that provide more background on where local history comes from in the United States:

Myths in Local History

Resources that discuss myths about Indigenous history that are present in local history and other forms of American culture:

For additional myths not discussed in this exhibit:

Indigenous History of Wayne County

Pre-Contact History

Resources on pre-contact history in Ohio and Wayne County:

Contact Era Indigenous History

Delaware History

Books and websites specific to the history of the Delaware Nation, Delaware Tribe of Indians, and other Delaware groups:

Shawnee History

Books and websites specific to the Shawnee Tribe, Eastern Shawnee, and other Shawnee groups:

Wyandotte History

Books and websites specific to the Wyandotte Nation and other Wyandotte and Huron groups:


Treaties that impacted Indigenous people in Wayne County and Ohio. Note: This list of treaties is not an exhaustive list of treaties made between the Wyandotte, Shawnee, and Delaware and the United States.

General History

Books and websites on contact-era Indigenous history in Ohio and the United States:

Other Resources:

Resources on how to write a land acknowledgement, Indigenous land/sovereignty, and local research help:

 Ohio Organizations: 

Ohio-based organizations for Indigenous people of any tribal affiliation: