Category: Local History

  • Writing Local History: Proceed with Caution

    On my way from Pittsburgh to Wooster, I usually take 76 to Suffield, then trek across to Brimfield, Barberton, and eventually Smithville to avoid the Akron highways, which are perpetually under construction. However, on Saturday, I decided to experiment and take a different route: from 76, I took a scenic way through small towns and…

  • Indigenous People’s Day and Fall Break

    Today is Indigenous People’s Day. Today is meant to be a national reminder of what America’s tribal nations have endured in the last 500 years, but it is also a day for education, acknowledgments of Indigenous sovereignty, and celebrations of Indigenous survivance. October 10th used to be a holiday to celebrate Christopher Columbus, who for…

  • Local History and Me

    As I am approaching my fourth week in the IS process, I am happy to say that I am satisfied with my progress thus far. I am planning on meeting with cultural preservationists from the Wyandot Nation this week, and I am ready to submit my proposal to create this web project as my Independent…