Category: General Updates

  • Turned in / Next Steps

    Hi folks! As you have noticed, there have not been any blog posts lately. That is because I submitted the written portion of my IS project on February 14th (and gave myself 2 weeks to focus on final edits) and then took a step away from the site to allow it to be reviewed by…

  • …and we’re back!

    Hello and happy 2023! I just returned to campus and I am happy to be starting the spring semester tomorrow! Since my last blog post, you will see some changes to the site. Most obviously, I added a new section which made up the bulk of my work over winter break. This section, called “Ben…

  • End of Fall Semester Updates, Part 2

    Hello! This is going to be a markedly different blog post, as I just want to give an update on where I am right now and what will be coming up. I am going to take the next few weeks off from writing these blog posts, as right now I am focusing on submitting the…

  • End of November Updates, Postcoloniality on the Web

    Having just come back to Wooster from break, I am now closing out the first semester. As I’ve discussed in my earlier blog posts, the process of creating web content is iterative. As with many points in the semester, I’m starting to write and outline the third and final section of my website while also…