
Welcome to the Blog section of this website! Here, you will find weekly updates on my progress as I complete this project.

  • StoryMaps and Accessibility

    This week, I am continuing to work on my web project, and I will be adding more content to the site shortly. This content will focus on Wayne County’s Indigenous history. As you browse the site, you may notice some differences in how the site looks from my original mockup. This is because I am…

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  • Writing Local History: Proceed with Caution

    On my way from Pittsburgh to Wooster, I usually take 76 to Suffield, then trek across to Brimfield, Barberton, and eventually Smithville to avoid the Akron highways, which are perpetually under construction. However, on Saturday, I decided to experiment and take a different route: from 76, I took a scenic way through small towns and…

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  • Indigenous People’s Day and Fall Break

    Today is Indigenous People’s Day. Today is meant to be a national reminder of what America’s tribal nations have endured in the last 500 years, but it is also a day for education, acknowledgments of Indigenous sovereignty, and celebrations of Indigenous survivance. October 10th used to be a holiday to celebrate Christopher Columbus, who for…

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  • Digital Storytelling: They Could Always Click Away!

    I’m happy to say that I have now finished my essay that outlines my historiographical traditions! This essay will be more for scholars who follow my work, my second reader, and maybe for a conference. Now that I’ve done the background research on how other historians have used digital tools, how local history interacts with…

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  • Local History and Me

    As I am approaching my fourth week in the IS process, I am happy to say that I am satisfied with my progress thus far. I am planning on meeting with cultural preservationists from the Wyandot Nation this week, and I am ready to submit my proposal to create this web project as my Independent…

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