
Welcome to the Blog section of this website! Here, you will find weekly updates on my progress as I complete this project.

  • Turned in / Next Steps

    Hi folks! As you have noticed, there have not been any blog posts lately. That is because I submitted the written portion of my IS project on February 14th (and gave myself 2 weeks to focus on final edits) and then took a step away from the site to allow it to be reviewed by…

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  • Sticking Around: How Does Website Preservation Work?

    While the web is a great platform for creating interesting, unique, and innovative projects, there is also a risk that today’s technology will be obsolete and unusable in the near future. To keep my site up for as long as possible, I sat down with Katie Farr and Zach Sharrow from The College of Wooster…

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  • Website Design: How to make it look easy

    As I am adjusting to the new semester, I am working on getting back into the habit of writing blog posts every Monday. This past weekend, I drafted a list of potential topics that I have not yet covered that would be important for understanding the thought behind this site beyond WordPress basics. The first…

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  • …and we’re back!

    Hello and happy 2023! I just returned to campus and I am happy to be starting the spring semester tomorrow! Since my last blog post, you will see some changes to the site. Most obviously, I added a new section which made up the bulk of my work over winter break. This section, called “Ben…

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  • End of Fall Semester Updates, Part 2

    Hello! This is going to be a markedly different blog post, as I just want to give an update on where I am right now and what will be coming up. I am going to take the next few weeks off from writing these blog posts, as right now I am focusing on submitting the…

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